Awaken Thyself
Awakening in Modern Times through Ancient Teachings
Know Thyself
In this day and age, there are various spiritual paths available for the soul seeker. Should the path be of a proper lineage, it will have its own customs and traditions, all with the ultimate goal of Knowing Thyself or finding Enlightenment.ย
This is an introductory class for those curious about what the Modern Mystery School is all about. Come experience the essence of this ancient tradition.ย
In this workshop, you will be introduced to the true sacred path of initiation that has empowered generations of great innovators, artists, scientists, and philosophers such as Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Nicola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, and Rudolf Steiner, etc.
Learn about what takes place within the various classes and energy healings along this path so you can make a discerning decision if it is the right fit for you.
Session Type
3 hours